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Don't Cheat on Your Spouse—Or Your Food

“What’s your cheat meal?” 

I’ve been asked this question more times than there are on a clock. I understand why friends and the Buttercup community are curious. I have a reputation for eating healthy food, and people want to know if I ever soften my standards for a bit of fun.

Before I answer the question, I want to underscore its assumption: healthy eating is unfun, legalistic, and oppressive.

As someone who is the life of the (wholesome) party, I will attest that eating well has only expanded my freedom and elevated my joy. I don't choose to prioritize certain foods and avoid others because it's the right thing to do.

I think of this mindset similarly to the Christian faith. Christians don't serve Christ because we must earn our salvation; we commit our lives to Christ out of love for who he is and what he's accomplished. We're prompted to abide in Christ not out of drudgery or compulsion but out of love.

Likewise, I'm prompted to eat healthy food because I genuinely love it. (Pastor Chris: is this heretical? Please let me know ASAP. Thank you!)

I love how good food crystalizes my thinking. I love how it makes me strong. I love how it allows me to sleep well. I love how it prevents soreness and sickness. I love the way it's grown, raised, and prepared. I love its taste.

Why would I cheat on something I genuinely enjoy—something that provides fulfillment and happiness?

I don't mean to sound immortal (I'm certainly not) or pretentious (sometimes I am) whenever I explain that I don't do cheat treats. I do like treats—homemade, of course.

But when I eat a chocolate chip cookie or a slice of pumpkin pie, I do so in freedom and confidence, knowing that treats fit harmoniously into an abundant life.

But like vacations and holidays, treats are supposed to be, well, a treat. When a rare treat becomes the norm, its significance is not only lost, but it becomes a crutch instead of a delight.

So to answer the question: No, I don't cheat. I have zero desire to be unfaithful to the food that is faithful to me.


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