When I was an aimless 18-year-old, my friend Matt Angove gifted me a book. I wasn't much of a reader, but for some reason unbeknownst to me, I thought, what the heck, and started reading. Those pages changed the course of my biography.
The book was Deep Nutrition by Dr. Catherine Shanahan, and it lit a match of intrigue and avidity that I'd never seen in myself. In retrospect, I can only discern it the unearthing of my vocation. As Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt to the promise land, I've accepted that it's my duty—my destiny—to lead you, the Buttercups, in the Running On Butter lifestyle.
Okay, maybe the comparison to Moses is not totally apt. But basically, what I'm trying to say is that I enjoy writing about food and health, and I want you guys to read my writing. It's not that I need my ego stroked or want to be an influencer (make sure to like and subscribe! It means ✨the world✨ to me when you guys give me your feedback, and it helps the message spread. I don't think of you as followers; we're family! ❤️).
My earnest desire is for y'all to taste and see the wonder of living the Running On Butter lifestyle. And that's what this post is about—unpacking what it means to run on butter.
Obviously, I like butter. And I don't think I've ever met someone I don't like that also sees butter as God's gift to humanity. But Running On Butter has evolved into something more than butter itself. It's become a phrase—a mantra, if you will—encompassing all things that make an abundant life.
Do you enjoy cooking delicious foods? You're running on butter. Do you like spending time with friends and family? That's running on butter, too. Are you fond of traveling? You're running on butter. An avid gardener? That's very running on butter. Oh, you're an artist? You're running on butter. Athletes? They're running on butter. Are you a learner and a creator? That's as running on butter as it gets.
My goal is to exemplify and testify that running on butter is the abundant life and that the abundant life is running on butter.
Running On Butter: any thought or action that compounds health.
Ring-ring! Ring-ring!
*picks up phone*
You: "Hello?"
Health: "It's me, your health."
You: "Oh, hi. What can I do for you?"
Health: "Start Running On Butter."