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Save Your Health—Avoid this Trader Joe's Aisle.

Trader Joe's employees have the most delightful energy.

Yesterday I had a checker named Canyon who complimented my Running On Butter crew neck. "Rad shirt," Canyon said with a kind sincerity. "Have you ever run on butter?" he asked.

I told him I hadn't actually run on butter before, but it's the name of my blog (some call it more than a blog. A movement or a revolution, perhaps).

"Oh," Canyon said, obviously disappointed but amiable nonetheless. "I'd like to run on butter one day," he remarked.

Me too, Canyon. Me too.

These quirky but genuine interactions make Trader Joe's one of my favorite grocery stores. They also have a solid selection of healthy, whole foods at great prices.

Most Trader Joe's products, however, are pretty problematic. One aisle, in particular, shouldn't be strolled down, let alone gazed upon. This aisle is in every TJ's across the country.

A parade of not-too-bad freezer foods and pardonable treats?

Many assume that if Trader Joe's sells a product, it's an acceptable or even healthy alternative. I certainly once thought this way. It could be worse.

Dumplings, pizza, chocolate-covered everything, crackers, and cookies. This is what makes up this infamous Trader Joe's aisle.

But inside these products' fun, lively branding lies a motorcade of ingredients that do not belong in the human diet.

The base of most of these products is glyphosate-laden flour, refined sugar, and inflammatory-inducing seed oils.

Buzzfeed, the voice and very heartbeat of America, ranked 76 of their favorite Trader Joe's finds, with the vast majority (and top 10) containing a combination of flour, sugar, and seed oils.

Our health, energy, and strength would be extremely grateful to us if we bypassed these foods.

Where Trader Joe's Wins

Trader Joe's provides a variety of organic fruits, veggies, herbs (fresh basil with every purchase!), rice, pasta, nuts (those without seed oils!), grass-fed butter, cheeses, and pasture-raised eggs. These foods are here for your health.

Also beneficial to your health? The carefree, fun-loving demeanor that is exemplified by employees at Trader Joe's. Be more like Canyon.


Ellie Rowland
Ellie Rowland
May 01, 2024

What are your thoughts on their candy? Their chocolate peanut butter cups are a go to for me when I make a trip.

May 04, 2024
Replying to

What's cool about TJ's brand candy is that you'll never find corn syrup as a sweetener, nor do they use artificial dyes to color their treats. These are a big win.

However, I'm still not a fan of the ultra-refined ingredients (sugar, seed oils) in their candy. Regarding peanut butter cups, specifically, TJ's ones are not that set apart from other brands like Reeses. The ingredients are nearly verbatim.

If chocolate cravings must be met (I understand completely), I recommend going for 70% organic dark chocolate sweetened with coconut sugar or honey :)

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